I got this article from depression blog. It was attract myself to read again and again. I like the way the blog author use the simple english and made me understand what he/she want to say. So, let's to read!
Youngsters today are experiencing high levels of stress. The sources of stress are diverse for youngsters in different age levels.
Among 13-17 year olds, academics is by far the most commonly mentioned source. Among 18-24 year olds, it is jobs and financial matters. Academic and career related pressures are ruining the life of young people. An average teenager today wants to excel in school, perform well in sports, keep up with the latest trends and choose the right higher education stream. Youngsters in there 20’s want a well paid job, they want to start saving for buying assets and also want to choose the right life partner. Added to this is the pressure to try and meet the expectations of the parents.
Another type of stress which is latent in the minds of youth but still present is the threat of terrorism and vandalism. Females particularly feel unsafe in many public places and this adds to their stress level. After a series of terrorist activities which have rocked the world, the fear is nagging in the minds of young people who find themselves helpless and not able to contribute towards its eradication.
According to surveys young females are more stressed out then males and incidences of high stress level are more in urban areas. The incidences of anxiety and depression are rising at an alarming rate and we keep hearing of teenager suicide cases around the world. Cut throat competition to keep up with peers is robbing youngsters of the pleasures of being young and healthy.