I like to write it is not mean I want to be a popularist but it is all about The LOVE and The DREAM the ART of crafting, sewing, cooking, travelling,photography and drawing. I' L.O.V.I.N.I.T

Monday, 6 April 2009

Simple Word To Say


The chances come again to jott something down on this blog. May be I'm very busy to catch up; because too much blog and work to do. Proposal started. I just have 3 assignments more. Counseling Group report, Proposal and Cross Culture Education. On this Friday I will go to UKM for peers programes. I've invited Faiz, and Sa (my junior) to join me and we will go there together. This programme is a collaboration between Counselor: Along Hisyam, Ayahanda Mustapha and Ustaz Rosli. They are counselors from SMK Seremban Jaya. Experiences is teacher to whom are appreciate their life so much! Too much work and assignment not a blockage for me to get new experience!

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